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Key Phrases that Will Help You in Iceland

By Soren Rivero

Iceland is a place where English is widely spoken, so there's no need to worry about mastering a new language.

However, learning a few key phrases in Icelandic can be a wonderful way to connect with the friendly locals! Why not give it a try?

TIP: When speaking in Icelandic, the syllable always goes on the first syllable.

Good day / Góðan dag / Pronounced: go-than taag

This is a warm and friendly greeting you can use with everyone you meet. The locals will truly appreciate that you’ve taken the time to learn how to greet them in their own language!

Thank you / Takk Fyrir / Pronounced: tak fi-reer

It’s always a thoughtful gesture to thank someone in their own language!

Where is ...? / Hvor er ...? / Pronounced: kvar er …?

A must-know phrase for when you need help finding something! For example, at a restaurant or hotel, you can complete the sentence with “Klósett” (bathroom, pronounced k-low-seht).

How much does this cost? / Hvað kostar það? / Pronounced: kvadh kos-tar thadh?

This is a brilliant phrase to know wherever your travels take you! When exploring local markets where English might not be as common, you’ll be thrilled to have this handy expression for picking up souvenirs or savouring delicious street food.

Bus / Strætisvagn / Pronounced: strigh-tis-vagh-in

Bus station / Strætóstoppistöð / Pronounced: strigh-toh-stop-is-tudh

These phrases go hand-in-hand because travelling by bus is a big part of getting around in Iceland! If you’re heading to Reykjavik from Keflavik Airport, you’ll hop on a bus upon arrival—it’s the standard and easiest way to travel from the airport to the city.

Help! / Hjálp! / Pronounced: hya-loop!

"Help" is a handy word to know, just in case of an emergency. While such situations are rare, it’s always smart to be prepared for anything when travelling!

Goodbye / Bless Bless / Pronounced: Bless Bless

Yes, this one is as straightforward as it seems! Use this cheerful farewell when saying goodbye to the hotel receptionist, the waitstaff at a restaurant, or even to Iceland itself when it’s time to head back home!

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